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Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football By-Laws

Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football By-Laws

(A Not for Profit Corporation)


Section 1. Name

Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football By-Laws

(A Not for Profit Corporation)

The organization shall be known as Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football and granted under chapter status by Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Mid-Florida Pop Warner.

Section 2. Principal Office/Geographical Area

The principal office of the corporation in the State of Florida shall be located in Seminole County, in Oviedo, Florida. The jurisdiction of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football shall be approved by “Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football” Board of Directors and “Mid-Florida Pop Warner” Board of Directors.

Section 3. Definitions

A. The Huskies- The name of the corporation is Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football, Inc and has IRS status as nonprofit, tax exempt, 501(c)3 corporation – EIN 20-3975030 and hereafter referred to as “The Huskies“.

B. Association – Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

C. Bylaws – Refer to the amended and restated bylaws of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football as they may be amended from time to time.

D. Membership – The membership of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football shall consist of parents of players and/or cheerleaders, coaches, assistants and persons who are involved in the daily activities of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

E. Voting Members- with paid registration and in good standing as a parent/guardian or volunteer has the right to vote in annual elections. One voting card per family will be provided to the active member for participation in election.

F. Mid-Florida Pop Warner- charter of national Pop Warner organization.

G. Divisions – Teams/Squads grouped as defined by Pop Warner organization in their national handbook.

H. The Executive Council – The Executive Council of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football as selected annually by the voting membership of the Huskies.

I. Participants – Any registered child that participants in pop Warner events.

J. The Board of Directors – The voting membership of the Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football board consisting of the elected Executive Council and the appointed extended board members as identified in Article V section 2.


The objective of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football is to provide youths with an opportunity to play football and participate in cheerleading in a good moral/ethical environment, supervised and organized with an emphasis on scholastics and physical fitness throughout our geographical area.


Section 1. The basic purposes are to:

A. Familiarize participants with the fundamentals of football/cheerleading.

B. Provide the opportunity to play in an organized and supervised environment where the emphasis is on team participation and maximum safety.

C. Keep the game free of adult and parental pressures to win at any cost.

D. Identify and bar from further participation any adult volunteer whose actions conflict with goals A, B and C above.

E. Encourage student athletes to continue to participate in football and cheerleading once they reach the High School level.


Section 1. The membership of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football shall consist of parents of participants, coaches, assistants, and persons who are involved in the daily activities of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

Section 2. Membership in this association will consist only of active members.

Section 3. An active member shall be family or single parent or guardian with a child in the program or volunteer with a sincere desire to help where their talents may lend for the betterment of the youth regardless of race, creed, national origin or sex.

Section 4. A member in good standing with paid registration or volunteer shall become a voting active member and vote in elections. A voting card will be provided to the active member for participation in election.

Section 5. Any member may be censured, suspended, or expelled from the Association as evidenced by 2/3 vote of the full Executive Council.

Section 6. All complaints against a member must be submitted in writing to the Executive Council.

Section 7. The Executive Council will review and make the decisions concerning complaints against a member submitted in writing.

Section 8. The Executive Council will follow the Hearings and Appeals section of the Pop Warner Administration Manual and Mid-Florida Pop Warner policies and procedures.

Section 9. Any member whose membership in the association has been terminated for any reason whatsoever shall forfeit all rights to use of the association name, emblem, and insignia and participation in any association function.

Section 10. A vote of 2/3 of this entire Executive Council shall be required to reinstate any member who has been expelled or suspended pursuant to the provisions of this section.


Section 1. The Executive Council shall govern the affairs of the association and all voting membership.

Section 2. The Executive Council shall be elected by the voting membership as: Commissioner, President, Secretary, Scholastics Director, Treasurer, and Cheer Coordinator. In the event a vote ends in a tie, the At-large Director position will then become the tie breaker. The Executive Council shall appoint Football Coordinator, Sponsorship Director, Concession Director, Equipment Director, Safety Director, Merchandise Director, At-large Director and Volunteer Coordinator, who shall have voting rights as the Board of Directors.

Section 3. A majority of the officers on the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4. Vacancies caused by resignation, removal or death of an elected Officer during the year, the Executive Council shall vote on (2/3 vote) and appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired term.

Section 5. The Executive Council shall act on, as needed, all business presented to them by Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. and Mid-Florida Pop Warner. The Executive Council shall present in writing all information necessary for association function to the association members.

Section 6. The Executive Council shall help formulate and approve the association budget for the current and up-coming season.

Section 7. The Executive Council shall execute the By-Laws and rules in a professional and business- like manner in the operation of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

Section 8. The Executive Council shall provide a safe environment for all members of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football, including football players, cheerleaders, coaches, and parents. Any member of the Executive Council has the authority to stop any act that is interpreted as unsafe to its members.

Section 9. The Executive Council should attempt to be present at all association functions including, but not limited to, registration, equipment issuance, and physical day. They should also be present at the majority of games.

Section 10. There will not be any proxy voting.


Section 1. Commissioner

A. The Commissioner shall represent Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football on all relations with Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. and Mid-Florida Pop Warner. The Commissioner shall perform a like function in relation to Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

B. The Commissioner shall be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes to the Board, as necessary.

C. The Commissioner or his/her designee shall be available during all scheduled association play, or on field disputes, the Commissioner’s decision on the field will be final.

D. The Commissioner, in the absence of the President, shall preside at the meeting of the association and Executive Council. The Commissioner will be a voting member of all committees and be accountable to the association for the proper conduct of the affairs of the association.

E. The Commissioner shall be responsible for all participant rosters, physical forms, books, and waivers required by Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

F. The Commissioner may appoint, with a 2/3 vote from the Executive Council such special committees as may be necessary to assist in the administration of the affairs of the Association.

G. The Commissioner shall be responsible to make sure that all Cheer Coaches and all Football Coaches and volunteer of the association who comes into direct interaction with any of the participants (kids) have the necessary Pop Warner certifications.

H. The Commissioner shall make sure that all association volunteers wear their badges clearly visible at any and all Pop Warner functions up to and including practices, physicals, games, etc.

I. The Commissioner shall be responsible for acquiring practice and game fields.

J. The Commissioner’s position shall require a minimum of two years with the Pop Warner program to become eligible for nomination and elected as outlined in Article VII Section 7.

Section 2. President

A. The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football and shall manage all association business and implement policies established by the Executive Council.

B. The President shall preside at all meetings of the association, call special meetings as needed, and appoint all committees with a two-thirds vote by the Executive Council.

C. The President shall delegate responsibilities of the Executive Council appointed to him and shall perform the duties usually required of a presiding member.

D. The President shall be authorized to co-sign Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football checks for disbursements and shall co-sign checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check prior to endorsing.

E. The President shall perform such duties ordinarily incumbent upon Presidents and such other duties as may be assigned by Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

F. The President shall perform all required functions in the absence of the Commissioner.

G. The President shall assist the Commissioner in any matter concerning the City of Oviedo, Seminole County and Hagerty High School.

H. The President shall assist the Commissioner in acquiring practice and game fields.

I. The President’s position requires a minimum of two years as a member in good standing with the Pop Warner program to become eligible for nomination and elected as outlined in ArticleVII Section 7.

Section 3. Secretary

A. The duties of the Secretary shall be to take minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council, and to enter such minutes in proper books to be provided for that purpose.

B. Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, read the minutes and notices of all meetings, and papers and communications.

C. Mail and/or call all notices of the meetings to the Offices and Executive Council. D. The Secretary shall maintain a file of the reports of all committees.

E. The Secretary shall keep in his/her possession the registration of all active members and verify if needed, the eligibility of any active member present at a regular meeting, and shall also further note the number of duly registered members and officials in attendance of any meeting.

F. The Secretary shall provide a written agenda to all Board of Directors members prior to the Executive Board meeting to include a time limit per topic.

G. Secretary shall mediate the meeting to include enforcement of the time limit of discussion per topic.

Section 4. Treasurer

A. The Treasurer shall receive and record all monies belonging to The Hagerty Huskies Pop Warner, Inc. and shall deposit all monies into a designated bank account. To do so means that the Treasurer is required to be at all functions that require receipt of funds, including but not limited to registrations.

B. The Treasurer shall make all disbursements by check at regular monthly meetings and give an accounting of funds in the form of a balance sheet monthly.

C. He/She shall also maintain a petty cash fund in the amount of $100.00 for incidental expenditures.

D. The Treasurer shall be authorized to be a co-signer of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football checks for disbursement and shall co-sign checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check prior to endorsing.

E. The Treasurer shall present a final written financial report to include a balance sheet by December 31st of the current year.

F. The Treasurer shall receive and record all monies belonging to the association and shall deposit all monies in a designated bank.

G. The Treasurer along with the President will make all reports to the IRS and the State of Florida within the deadlines required by these agencies.

H. Treasurer shall provide the Concession Director a cash deposit sufficient to provide change prior to the game and will give a written receipt to the concession Director signed by both. The Concession Director will return the original cash deposit back to the Treasurer at the close of the concession stand and the Treasurer will provide a receipt to the Concession Director that is signed by both.

I. All check and withdrawal slips must be signed by two (2) of the three (3) following officers: President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

J. The Treasurer will provide a financial report at each Board meeting to include the monthly bank reconciliation.

Section 5. Scholastics Director

A. The Scholastics Director shall insure that each participant is academically eligible to participate by reviewing every participant’s report card and forwarding reports concerning All-American candidates to Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc.

B. The Scholastics Director reserves the right to deny participation to any player who does not meet scholastic requirements.

C. The Scholastics Director will review and calculate All American eligibility and complete the necessary applications.

D. The Scholastic Director will distribute applications to the participants who qualify for All American. Then will collect completed applications to forward on to Mid-Florida.

E. The Scholastic Director will attend the Mid-Florida Little Scholars Banquet as the Associations representative.

F. The Scholastic Director will be responsible for collecting progress reports from participants who are under Scholastic Eligibility and verifying they are still able to participate in program based on grades.

Section 6. Cheer Coordinator

A. The Cheer Coordinator shall be the official representative of Mid-Florida Pop Warner at the HLA level and attend Mid-FL Coordinators meetings.

B.The Cheer Coordinator shall have a minimum of five years coaching experience and have a full understanding and knowledge of Pop Warner Cheer procedures and rules.

C. The Cheer Coordinator shall recruit qualified cheer coaches and insure that all appropriate training is attended and coaches hold appropriate badges.

D. The duties of the Cheer Coordinator shall be to maintain a line of communication between the Executive Council and all of the Association Head Cheerleading Coaches.

E. The Cheer Coordinator will be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes to the Executive Council, as necessary.

F. The Cheer Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Treasurer and the Equipment Director.

G. The Cheer Coordinator shall support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the cheer program.

H. The Cheer Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches and adherence to all safety regulations.

I. The Cheer Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Cheerleading coaching staff.

J. The Cheer Coordinator shall be responsible for all cheer coaches, assistant coaches, student demonstrators/jr. coaches, cheerleaders, and for providing input on appointing an Executive Council approved Assistant Cheer Coordinator.

K. The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the number and size of cheerleading teams

L. The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the placement of cheerleaders on teams.

M. The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding level of competition declaration for all teams

N. It is strongly encouraged the Cheer Coordinator is not a head coach

Section 7. Football Coordinator

A. The Football Coordinator shall monitor all practices in all divisions and provides assistance when requested or needed.

B. The Football Coordinator shall be a liaison between the Hagerty High School football coaches and Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football. including organizing and scheduling the Chain Crews for the Huskies home games and the chain crews for the High School Football home games.

C. The Football Coordinator shall hold regular coaches meetings with each team’s head coach, offensive coordinator, and defensive coordinator to keep the coaches abreast of any rule changes and football concerns.

D. The Football Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches; all coaching staff is following the Coach’s Code of Conduct, and adherence to all safety regulations.

E. The Football Coordinator shall assist the Executive Council in the Selection of head coaches along with the input of the Commissioner.

F. The Football Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Football coaching staff.

G. The Football Coordinator shall support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the football program.

H. Make final decisions regarding the number and size of football teams. I. Make final decisions regarding the placement of players on teams.

J. It is strongly encouraged the Football Coordinator is not a head coach or offensive/defensive coordinator.

Section 8. Sponsorship Director

A. The Sponsorship Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association sponsorship and fund raising programs.

B. The Sponsorship Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute sponsorship and fund raising mission.

C. The Sponsorship Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

D. The Sponsorship Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Directors.

Section 9. Concession Director

A. The Concession Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s concession program.

B. The Concession Director shall solicit support and create teams as appropriate to successfully execute the association concession program.

C. The Concession Director shall support the association budgeting process.
D. The Concession Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Directors. Section 10. Equipment Director

A. The Equipment Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association equipment program.

B. The Equipment Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s Equipment program.

C. The Equipment Director shall support the association budgeting process.
D. The Equipment Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Directors.

E. The Equipment Director along with two (2) members of the board inspect all equipment for safety and serviceability prior to the league season and report findings to the Executive Council.

F. The Equipment Director shall coordinate the reconditioning of helmets as needed.

G. The Equipment Director shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors by January 31st for new equipment purchases for the coming season.

H. The Equipment Director shall inventory all league equipment before and after the season and give report to the Board of Directors

I. The Equipment Director shall issue and recover from all Head Coaches all league equipment.

Section 11. Safety Director

A. The Safety Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s safety program.

B. The Safety Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s safety program.

C. The Safety Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

D. The Safety Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Directors.

Section 12, Merchandise Director

A. The Merchandise Director shall be responsible for designing, ordering and maintaining inventory for HPW merchandise.

Section 13, Volunteer Coordinator

A. The Volunteer Coordinator shall be responsible for the coordination of scheduling volunteers for parents to meet their volunteer time commitment

Section 14, At-large Director

A. The At-large Director shall be responsible to assist all Executive Board Members with the affairs of the association.

B. The At-large Director will be called upon to vote if the Executive Board vote ends in a tie.

Section 1. An election of Executive Council shall be held at the final home game of the season.

Section 2. All Executive Council members are elected to serve a two (2) year term commencing January 1st of the following year.

Section 3. Terms of elected board members shall be staggered. The term of Executive Council positions of Commissioner, Secretary and Scholastics Director shall terminate at the end of seasons with odd numbered calendar years (2009, 2011, etc.). The term of Executive Council positions of President, Treasurer and Cheer Coordinator shall terminate at the end of seasons with even numbered calendar years (2008, 2010, etc.). The transition to newly elected board members shall be timed so as to provide an orderly transfer of relevant information.

Section 5. Members of the Executive Council may hold office for consecutive terms.

Section 4. One member from each family who has voting rights and is in good standing may nominate themselves or another good standing active member for an Executive Council Position during open election periods.

Section 6. The Nominating Committee shall advise the active membership that nominations are being solicited for the Executive Council thirty (30) days prior to the election. Applications must be submitted fifteen (15) days prior to the election by email to the president in odd numbered calendar years or to the commissioner in even numbered calendar years. All submitted emails will be forwarded to the Executive Council for review.

Section 7. The Executive Council shall obtain consent to serve from the nominee prior to their name being placed on the ballot.

Section 8. The Executive Council shall follow the following guidelines in determining eligibility of applicant as approved candidate:

1.     Is applicant a member in good standing with the organization for at least two (2) years for commissioner and president positions or at least one (1) year for all other positions?

2.     For treasurer position, does applicant have financial experience?

Section 9. The Membership will elect the Executive Council based on the approved candidates submitted from the Executive Council.

Section 10. Approved nominees are not allowed to actively campaign. They are to submit a 500 word or less bio which will be emailed to all members and placed on the Hagerty Pop Warner Website.

Section 11. Final tabulation of votes is to be completed by the cheer coordinator, the football coordinator and the secretary in even numbered election years or the treasurer in odd election years.


Section 1. The Board shall meet once per month subject to change based on the association’s business needs.

Section 2. Board meetings shall be open to all active members.

Section 3. The Executive Council may schedule Special Board meetings to discuss such topics as: disciplinary, legal actions and such other matters as the Executive Council deems necessary, which shall be closed to active members.

Section 4. Members will be notified of meetings via the Web Site or by hand outs from team moms at practices and /or games.

Section 5. Any Board member who has three (3) unexcused absences from meetings in less than six (6) months may be asked to resign.

Section 6. Meetings will be held at a time and place designed by the Executive Council by majority vote.

Section 7. Excluding coaches who are also Board Members, at least one representative from the coaching staff from each cheer and football team should be present at each regular meeting during the season.


Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the procedures of all meetings of this Association. Section 2. The regular order of business for all meetings shall be as follows:

1.     Call to order

2.     Approval of minutes

3.     Commissioner Report

4.     Association Business

5.     Treasurer Report

6.     Cheer Coordinator Report

7.     Report from committee

8.     Unfinished business

9.     New business

10.   Adjournment


Section 1. All Head Coaches shall be nominated.

Section 2. The Coaches selection committee consisting of the Commissioner, Football Coordinator, Scholastic Director and High School Representative will submit the head coach nominations based on the review of their application and interview screening process to the Executive Council in a closed meeting for approval.

Section 3. The selection will be based on the candidate’s demonstrated ability to coach and their commitment to abide by the Coaches Code of Conduct as stated in the current edition of the National Pop Warner Official Rules.

Section 4. Head Coaches shall be allowed to recommend their own Coaching staff, however the final selection of any coaching staff must be approved by the Executive Council.

Section 5. All coaches and volunteers must pass a background check annually.

Section 6. There is no minimum or maximum number of cheer and/or football head coaches that can be a member of the Executive Council,

Section 7. The head coaches, assistant coaches, on field volunteers and board members are required to be certified by Mid-Florida Pop Warner.

Section 8. In the event that a coach should attend the certification that is provided by Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. at the regional level, this shall serve as the required class.

Section 9. All football and cheerleading coaches must be in good standing with Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football and Mid-Florida Pop Warner to be accepted as a coach.

Section 10. All football and cheerleading coaches, volunteers, and Executive Board Members must strive at all times to keep the best interest of all participants the highest priority in order to provide the highest level of excellence to Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football, Mid Florida, and National Pop Warner organizations.

Section 11: The Head Coach will conduct himself/herself in a civil manner at all times, and shall be responsible for the behavior and conduct of his assistant coaches, players, and parents/guardians. Coaches may be suspended at any time if his/her behavior is deemed detrimental to the organization by the Executive Council.

Section 12: Each Coach’s term expires at the end of the season. Coaches must reapply each season.

Section 13: Any coach who quits during the season must provide cause to the council in order to be eligible to coach the following season.


Section 1. An amendment to the By-Laws may be introduced at any regular meeting or special meeting of Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

Section 2. The amendment shall be voted upon at the regular meeting, notice of which is required to state the proposed By-Law amendment as part of the agenda.

Section 3. Approval of the amendment must be by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors members.


Section 1. The most current edition of the National Pop Warner Official Rules and the National Pop Warner Administrative Manual shall be adopted as part of these by-laws.


Section 1. Upon dissolution of the Hagerty Huskies Pop Warner, Inc. all outstanding indebtedness and taxes shall be paid and any outstanding funds in the treasury shall be donated to the Hagerty High School Athletic Booster Club.


Section 1. The Executive Council shall formulate a list of specific requirements financial and otherwise that qualifies a child for sponsorship of registration fees by Hagerty Pop Warner Youth Football.

Section 2. The parents/guardians of children considered for sponsorship shall fill out applications requesting the sponsorship and showing that they meet the requirements for sponsorship.

Section 3. A 2/3 vote of the Executive Council shall be needed in order for any sponsorship to be granted. Parents/ guardians of sponsored children will be encouraged to work volunteer hours above and beyond typical active member involvement. This time will be monitored and factor into subsequent sponsorship applications.

Section 4: Each request will be considered on an individual participant basis, not as siblings.

Section 5. If a sponsorship recipient quits during the season, he/she will forfeit sponsor eligibility for one year.


Section 1. The Head Coach assigned to each team shall provide a signed receipt for all Hagerty organization equipment issued to his/her team by the Equipment Manager.

Section 2. The Head Coach is responsible for collecting all league property issued to his/her team and for turning over the property to the Equipment Manager at the end of the season. The Head Coach who is unsuccessful in retrieving issued equipment will turn in the name of player, list of unreturned equipment, and a letter stating what attempts have been made to recover the equipment.

Section 3. Any player who has not turned in all equipment from a previous season and all siblings will not be allowed to register until they return or pay the replacement cost for the equipment.

The Andrea Mall Memorial Scholarship

Andrea Mall was a dedicated team mom and Board member for the Hagerty Pop Warner program for six years.  On June 9th 2011, Andrea lost her hard fought battle with cancer and was sadly taken from us too soon. In Andrea’s name, Hagerty Pop Warner will award at least one (1) $500.00 contribution to a graduating High School senior who played Pop Warner Football/Cheerleading for at least four years in the Hagerty Pop Warner program and attended High School at Hagerty High School. The application is only available to students who plan to attend an accredited College or University in the fall of the year it’s awarded. Upon being chosen proof of enrollment must be provided. The deadline for submission of the application is May 31st of each year. It should also be noted that the scholarships will be either forwarded directly to the school and credited to the students account or given directly to the student, based on individual circumstances.

The Rainbow Spirit Award is given annually as voted on by the head cheer coaches, cheer coordinator and assistant cheer coordinator to an individual Hagerty Cheerleader from the prior season who exemplified the characteristics of Caitlin Downing during her influential five years on earth. These include, but are not limited to, maintaining a positive attitude, being respectful to all coaches and teammates, showing an enthusiastic outlook and an unwavering commitment to her team despite her challenges and/or struggles outside of cheer. This recipient’s contributions to the Hagerty Pop Warner program may not be “measured” in performance but be evident in her outstanding personal character and extraordinary impact on the community.

The John McCarthy Coaching Award is given annually to honor the memory of a very brave man who gave a considerable amount of his time to this program, community and the kids that live in it. Think of it as the Hagerty Pop Warner Coach of the Year. Football and cheer coaches will nominate coaches to the Executive Council who will vote on the candidate that mostly represents the characteristics of Coach John. At the conclusion of each season the individual(s) who are nominated and receives the most votes will have exemplified the characteristics of coach John McCarthy including, but aren’t limited to, serving the kids, program and the community with a great passion to make the kids better players, students, individuals, a positive contributor and influencer for others. Coach John always brought the best out of the kids regardless of what sport he was coaching. He preached hard work, dedication, giving your all if it’s something worth doing, and academic success. The award has really nothing to do with wins or losses or how far the team advances in competition and more to do with serving the kids, the program, and the community making it a better place for those around you. Nominations are due no later than October 31st.   The winning recipient will be selected no later than November 30th of the same calendar year and recognized at the start of the following season during parent night.



Hagerty Pop Warner
 PO Box 623155
Oviedo, Florida 32765

Phone: 321-415-2349
Email: [email protected]

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